Recent content by Josephine_Montilyet

  1. J

    Leaking washer fluid line

    I’ve dealt with this before on my GTI, it’s usually a pretty easy fix depending on where the leak is. If it’s just a small crack or loose connection, you can patch it with heat shrink tubing or replace just the damaged section.
  2. J

    Growling sound when above 1000 rpm

    Could be nothing serious, but a new sound that wasn’t there before is always worth checking out. The fact that it happens between 1,000-2,000 RPM makes me think of... 1. A loose or failing engine mount – If the engine shifts too much, it can cause vibration. 2. Exhaust resonance or small leak –...
  3. J

    2015 Golf Turbo problem

    If your check engine light keeps clearing itself but your scanner still shows a permanent turbo code, that suggests it’s not a catastrophic failure but rather an intermittent issue—likely something affecting boost regulation.

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