Issues after BCM replacement


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So I just swapped out my BCM, and now I'm dealing with some strange issues. The option to adjust the light sensor sensitivity is totally MIA from the menu, and the toggle for the instrument lighting is nowhere to be found. Any idea where I can dig those up?
Looks like a BCM swap might have messed with your settings. If it’s the older module with the active long-code, try adjusting Byte 7, Bit 0 and Bit 1 to 1 for the instrument lighting. For the newer module, go to Adaptations and set “Suchbeleuchtung_allgemein-Eingabemedium_Suchbeleuchtung” to HMI.

For the light sensor, check if the RLS is working to toggle exterior lights in AUTO mode. You might need to recalibrate the sensor.
Thanks, that’s one problem down and one fault code out of the way! I’ve got the new BCM adaptation, part number 5Q0937084DD, with the hardware number 5Q0937084CG. The RLS is working fine in auto mode, but now the headlights are popping on too early. I used to set them to come on later, but that option has totally disappeared from the screen. It was there before, so I just need those adaptations to bring that setting back!